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  • What's the most popular membership?
    The monthly membership is popular because you remain fully accessible to all content and features, like free-to-enter raffles while earning reward points every 30 days. Monthly members also save money rather than buying access to each content.
  • How can I use your royalty-free beats?
    You can use our beats in both personal and commercial projects while your subscription with is active. This includes music, videos, films, social media, advertisements, and more. Once your subscription ends, your license to use the beats is revoked for new projects, but you may continue using any projects that were created with beats downloaded during your active subscription. You must credit the composer(s) of the beats in any public or commercial work. Attribution should be clear and visible, including the track title, composer name, and our platform name. Note: You cannot resell or redistribute the beats as standalone tracks or components. If your subscription is canceled or expired, you cannot download or use new beats until it’s renewed. You are responsible for complying with these terms.
  • Can I stay logged in to my account?
    Currently, you can't let your members save their login details on the member login form so that they can automatically sign in to their account in the future. You need to enter your login details every time they access your site. However, as a workaround, you can enable password saving in your browser's settings to remember their credentials.
  • What is the refund policy?
    Merchandise can be refunded after 7 days of receipt, but each return request is reviewed individually to ensure fairness and prevent fraud. Don't hesitate to contact me for merchandise refunds; I will address your request carefully. Music projects, services, beat purchases, and subscriptions are nonrefundable.
  • How is the damage of unauthorized copyright music use measured?
    My damage assessment philosophy is reflected in the equation below: Damages = (Extent of Use) + (Purpose of Use) + (Economic Impact) + (Willfulness) •. Extent of Use: How much of the music did you use? •. Purpose of Use: Was it for commercial gain or just personal use? •. Economic Impact: Did it hurt the original creator’s earnings? • Willfulness: Was the use intentional or accidental?
  • What what is your infringement policy?
    If you infringe on my terms and policies, which protect my content and copyright rights, you will undergo a fair process. If found guilty, you must remove the infringing content and pay a fine of at least $1,000 within three months. Failure to pay on time will incur a 10% weekly interest charge. Payment plans are available, and requirements may be adjusted at our discretion.
  • How does the Fair Use Act protect your music and videos?
    Music is publicly available here as previews, while the full tracks are exclusive for paying customers/members. Because of this, only these released previews can be used under fair use for things like commentary or education. This rule also applies to videos here: you can use the preview parts of the music under fair use, but any unshared or restricted portions of the song require special permission to use.
  • How can we make music?
    Send you the best open verse or instrumental you want to collaborate on and an irresistible offer.
  • How are you addressing offers?
    All open verses and instrumentals submitted are reviewed! Offers that are a great fit are responded to by email to proceed with that song/project.
  • How is my data protected?
    The information submitted through my forms, including credit card details and details from consultations, is confidential and not shared outside of the parties involved. If you would like your information deleted, contact us, and we’ll handle it promptly. For any other inquiries, contact us by email.
  • What rights protect the content on this website?
    All music and visual content on this site is for personal use only. All users must get a commercial license before publicly distributing any content; consent is always required unless the copyright owner publicly releases any version of the content. Music officially released on streaming platforms like Spotify can be used for personal content like social media.


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